Green chain
The London Plan, Published by the Mayor of London in March 2016, suggests that green chains: ‘…are areas of linked but separate open spaces and the footpaths between them. They are accessible to the public and provide way-marked paths and other pedestrian and cycle routes.’
[edit] Related articles on Designing Buildings Wiki
- Ecology connectivity.
- Green belt.
- Green bridge.
- Green corridor.
- Green infrastructure.
- Green plot ratio.
- Green roof.
- Green space.
- Green tunnel.
- Green walls.
- Growing space.
- How green infrastructure is helping to control urban floods.
- Living Roofs and Walls, from policy to practice.
- London plan.
- The future of green infrastructure.
Surrey Hills Directory
[edit] Planning
Building Design in the Surrey Hills
[edit] Highways
Conserving and Enhancing Country Lanes in the Surrey Hills AONB
[edit] Biodiversity & Landscape
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Light Pollution - Threat to Migrating Birds
Making Local Nature Recovery Strategies deliver
[edit] Health & Wellbeing
Nature and Wellbeing: The Evidence
How nature can be used to improve wellbeing